PhD Student
Machine Learning Group, Institute of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science, Faculty IV, TU Berlin, Germany

November 2022 - present

  • Research on distributed and efficient machine learning.

Research student assistant
UMI-Lab, Machine Learning Group, Institute of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science, Faculty IV, TU Berlin, Germany

May 2022 - present

  • Research on the topic of explainable artificial intelligence and bayesian machine learning.

  • Publication of the paper “Visualizing the diversity of representations learned by Bayesian neural networks”, submitted to “IEEE TMLR”.

  • Administration of the Lab’s compute nodes, including briefing new team members.

  • Supporting the Lab’s recruiting process.

TUBS GmbH, Berlin, Germany

January 2020 - January 2021

  • Lecturing the 4-week full time course “Data Science with Python”, and evaluating student assignments, projects and exams.

  • Lecturing the 4-week full time course “Machine Learning using Python”: Theory and Application”, and evaluating student assignments, projects and exams.

Data Science working student
Aperto an IBM company, Berlin, Germany

June 2018 - January 2019

  • Development of a Social Media Brand Monitor using Deep Neural Network Models and Word Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis.

  • Visualization of Analysis results using a Flask Dashboard app.

  • Setup of Hortonworks HDP Platform and integration of current apps into HDP environment.

Software Engineering intern

XAIN AG, Berlin, Germany

January 2018 - August 2018

  • Development of a distributed Access Control Service - used Stack: Solidity, Javascript Web3.JS, AWS, Docker.

  • Implementation of a Geth ETH Client to CAN-BUS Software installed in a Porsche Panamera.

  • Full Stack development of a Javascript WebApp - used stack: Javascript, React & Redux, PostgreSQL.

Data Science intern

Koneksys LLC, San Francisco, CA

May 2017 - December 2017

  • Research & Analysis on current Big Data technology, including: Cassandra, Hadoop, Spark, Blazegraph, in order to provide best fit solution for large-scale graph data processing.

  • Implementation of Apache Spark’s graph processing Framework (GraphFrames) on top of distributed HDFS cluster - used stack: HDFS, Apache Spark, Java.

  • Analysis of the internals of various query languages: SQL, SPARQL, Gremlin.

  • Java Development of a SPARQL-to-GraphFrames translator & RDF-to-GraphFrames compiler.

  • Evaluating assembled Big Data tool by querying large RDF Graph datasets(10B+ triples).


M.Sc Computer Science

TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany

April 2018 - March 2022
Focus on Machine Learning

B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering

University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

October 2013 - April 2018

Wilhelm-Hofmann Gymnasium, St.Goarshausen, Germany
July 2004 - March 2013